
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
— Aaron Siskind



Crafted Images You Can Cherish

The greatest way to hold onto memories is to capture the moment now!  Timeless, well crafted images will be priceless tomorrow and for years to come.

I know capturing imagery of your family and those you love is very important. Children grow so fast and new journeys are always just around the corner. I take great pride in my work and make sure your images are tailored just for you.

There can be some uncertainty before having professional photos taken, but the outcome is worth everything. Instead of random selfies and poor quality images with no WOW factor, Rachel Nancy Photography creates quality photographs that you can be proud of and frame for a lifetime.  

My time spent at Utah Valley University studying lighting, art and film allows me to be able to take images in a variety of settings and capture beautiful photos.  I love photography and my passion shows through my images. Your experience will be fun and relaxing during the session.

I look forward to meeting you!


Booking a Photo Shoot

From your wardrobe to the location, the photo session is all about you & it should be!  Sometimes it is hard to know what outfit to wear, what the "golden hour" is for photographs or picking the perfect location.  Not to worry, I will help walk you through the process to make it easy. Contact me today with any questions you may have, I am happy to help.  Are you having a hard time knowing where to start?  I want to help you out with this process.  Click below for a free photo guide that will help you feel confident in booking a photo shoot!

Fill out the information below to receive your free Professional Insights to an Amazing Photo Shoot Guide! Once you click submit, click on the click "Here" link for your free download. 


Nice To Meet You

Hello, I'm Rachel and I would love to chat with you! I studied Art and Visual Communications in Photography at Utah Valley University.  My education included the study of black & white film photography, darkroom, digital photography, lighting, graphics, 2d design, painting and drawing.  I loved my time there and continue to learn all I can about photography!

I grew up in southern Colorado & moved to the Denver area in 2012.  I married my best friend in April 2017 and I have loved the adventure we have created together.  I can't wait to see where the journey takes us. I continually count my blessings for being able to have such a fun profession and I love meeting people like you!


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